El Coyote Ranch "Christmas Celebration" Online Sale

El Coyote Ranch Christmas Celebration Online Sale
Terms & Conditions
Bidding: Each animal will be sold to the highest bidder at the close of the sale on December 8, 2011.
Payment: An invoice will be issued to each winning bidder at the conclusion of the sale. Payment must be received prior to or at pick for each lot. Checks are to be made payable to El Coyote Ranch.
Possession: All buyers have 60 days (February 6, 2012) from the conclusion of the sale to pick up their purchases at the ranch, unless other arrangements are made prior to the closing pick up date.
Certificates: a Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) registration certificate will be furnished and transferred to the buyer of each lot upon receipt of payment.
Health: All cattle come from a state certified TB and Brucellosis free herd and will have health certificates to meet individual state requirements for the state which they will reside.
Breeding Status: The breeding status of each lot will be verified and listed on the lot’s health certificate.
A Note from El Coyote....
At El Coyote, we strive to combine the origins of ranching tradition with today's technology to make the past come alive. We invite you to join us in celebrating the holiday season, by visiting our first El Coyote Ranch Christmas Celebration Online Sale and taking home your own piece of Texas history.
El Coyote Ranch is represented by an elite herd of Texas Longhorns. They are functional cattle bred in the old tradition using today's ideas and technology. This blend of past and present is proof that Longhorns can fulfill the demands of today's cattle market.
For this special offering we have gone into our herd to find ten exceptional females that will make a noteworthy foundation to any herd. The beauty of the Texas Longhorn is not only in their rich heritage but in their uniqueness as well. Each individual comes in an array of color patterns and horn shape. At El Coyote we breed our cattle to be complete with horn, color, and conformation topped with a power packed pedigree package.
We’ve taken a cross section of our herd to provide females in various age ranges with stacked genetics and loaded with horn growth potential. We will have some 3-N-1’s, pairs, bred cows, and heifers that we have bred to our outstanding Don Julio, Tari Graves, Delta Vixen, and Hunts Command Respect sons to add some extra legendary influence to their calves pedigrees.
Whether you are new to the Texas Longhorn breed or have an established herd, or you are looking for that perfect gift for someone special or for yourself.
Take advantage of this opportunity!
‘Tis the season to add some El Coyote Ranch Longhorns to your herd!