Becker and Friends Online Brahman Sale - 2019

Contact James Becker at (979)229-9682.
All cattle in this sale are deemed sound and fit by the seller’s eye. Calves are sold “AS IS” with no expressed warranty or guarantee as to the quality.
Delivery Methods:
Buyers are responsible for transporting their purchases, if transportation is needed, Becker Livestock Services can make those arrangements for you. Contact James Becker at 979-229-9682.
We would like calves to be picked up from the seller within two weeks of the sale date or $10/day yardage fee will be charged each day after 14 days.
We are happy to assist in any way we can.
- Becker Livestock Services
-Becker Livestock Services
Close Out Process
This Sale will feature the Cattle In Motion All In - All Done Sale Close Out Format.
With this close out, as the time counts down No Bidding can happen within 5 minutes of the close of ALL Lots. So if the Lots are set to close at 7PM and with four minutes left (6:56PM), some one bids on lot 4, then enough time is added back to the clock to allow ALL lots to have 5 minutes (new close time is 7:01PM on ALL Lots), and the countdown resumes. Then if someone bids on Lot 8 at 6:59PM, then ALL lots are extended until 7:04PM. this process will go on until no one bids for a period of 5 minutes on ANY Lot.
Process to Bid Online
To be able to Bid Online for this sale, You will have to have completed the Following 3 Steps:
2. Complete Lifetime Verification
3. Sign Up for this Sale