Alamo City Sale - 2023

The Barring Cattle Offering
Thank you for showing interest in our sale offerings. This year's offerings consist of high class red and black show heifer prospects. All heifers offered are sired by J7N Cruzan or BCC Hollywood. J7N Cruzan is out of LMC 12th Man and the highly productive LMC Knockout Muneca 5M/9. BCC Hollywood, a two time National Champion, is out of BCC Maverick, who is also a National Champion. Each of these heifers are smooth, clean, level hipped, wide middled, and incredibly sound in their footing. These heifers are weaned and have been on a complete nutrition program, including a daily fortified mineral/vitamin package. All are tie broke, but not halter broke. All of these heifers are pending registration, providing you the opportunity to choose the name of your purchase. Additionally, all heifers are eligible for the Simbrah-Simmental Superbowl this coming year at the San Antonio Livestock Show. At the completion of the sale, the ownership and responsibility of the heifers immediately transfer to the buyer. Baring Cattle Company will house the heifers up to 7 days, after which the buyer will be charged a $15.00 per day maintenance fee. You can buy with confidence knowing power, supreme genetic makeup and show ring potential shine through in each of these high quality heifers.
Close Out Process
This Sale will feature the Cattle In Motion All In - All Done Sale Close Out Format.
With this close out, as the time counts down No Bidding can happen within 5 minutes of the close of ALL Lots. So if the Lots are set to close at 7PM and with four minutes left (6:56PM), some one bids on lot 4, then enough time is added back to the clock to allow ALL lots to have 5 minutes (new close time is 7:01PM on ALL Lots), and the countdown resumes. Then if someone bids on Lot 8 at 6:59PM, then ALL lots are extended until 7:04PM. this process will go on until no one bids for a period of 5 minutes on ANY Lot.
Process to Bid Online
To be able to Bid Online for this sale, You will have to have completed the Following 3 Steps:
2. Complete Lifetime Verification
3. Sign Up for this Sale