2020 Okeechobee Youth Livestock Sale

2020 Okeechobee Youth Livestock Sale
· On behalf of OYLS and all Exhibitors we would like to thank you for your patience and understanding of why we must implement this sale process for 2020. We are excited about the platform that Cattle in Motion have provided us with and we are extremely grateful for their prompt support and commitment to make this event happen.
· OYLS has contracted Cattle in Motion to broker our sale, however each buyer will be invoiced by Okeechobee Youth Livestock Show, Inc. and all payments from buyers will be made payable to Okeechobee Youth Livestock Show, Inc. just like in past years.
· Please follow the registration process of Cattle in Motion by clicking on the Create New Account tab on the top right side of their home page. If you have trouble please feel free to contact OYLS at one of these three numbers. Dudley (863) 634-7137, Frank (772) 940-9595, Brad (863)634-7315.
· All buyers will be contacted within 24 hours of the sale closing by OYLS. This call is to determine if buyers want to accept the buyback of non market animal purchases, choose to rail their market animal purchase, or process their market animal purchase. Once again, Nettles Sausage and Beef Company will be our designated processor. As in the past, all processing fees will be at the buyer’s expense. Please be expecting this phone call/text/email Saturday afternoon 3/21 or Sunday morning 3/22. Nettles will contact the list of buyers that they are given to collect cut & wrap orders. All cut & Wrap will be paid directly to Nettles. Once processing is complete we will contact those buyers about the date they can pick up their meat.
· Rail prices for Market Steers will be $.71/lb
· Rail Prices for Market Swine will be $.30/lb
· Buyback for Beef Breeding Heifers will be $600.00 per head
· Buy back for 4 year Old Holstein Dairy Cow will be $2,000.00
· Buyback for the Bred Jersey Dairy Heifer will be $1,200.00
· Buyback for Lambs will be $100.00
· Buyback for Goats will be $100.00
· There will be NO buyback Poultry or Rabbits
· During the sale you will see the total cost of the live animal. OYLS will deduct the rail credit or Buyback Credit from this price if the buyer chooses this option when they are contacted by OYLS following the closing of the sale.
Close Out Process
This Sale will feature the Cattle In Motion All In - All Done Sale Close Out Format.
With this close out, as the time counts down No Bidding can happen within 5 minutes of the close of ALL Lots. So if the Lots are set to close at 7PM and with four minutes left (6:56PM), some one bids on lot 4, then enough time is added back to the clock to allow ALL lots to have 5 minutes (new close time is 7:01PM on ALL Lots), and the countdown resumes. Then if someone bids on Lot 8 at 6:59PM, then ALL lots are extended until 7:04PM. this process will go on until no one bids for a period of 5 minutes on ANY Lot.
Process to Bid Online
To be able to Bid Online for this sale, You will have to have completed the Following 3 Steps:
2. Complete Lifetime Verification
3. Sign Up for this Sale